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Glasaal Volendam consists of two companies, Glasaal Volendam R&D, the operating company and Glasaal Volendam Holding, the management company. The management company unites most of the shareholders. Besides the Holding, seven major shareholders participate directly in Glasaal Volendam R&D.

Board composition

Nico M. van Straalen

Em. professor of biology, Free University

Hein Koning

Former director Hein Koning Administration Office

Hein Painter

Building contractor, real estate expert

Evert Smit

Fish restaurant Smit Bokkum Volendam

Will Jonk

Installation Technology

Board of Commissioners

Willem van Beek

Economist, former mayor of Edam-Volendam

Gert Dral

Agri-Tech Company

Jan Kwakman

Import Manager, Mooijer-Volendam B.V.

Lloyd van der Griendt

Investment Manager

Oscar Iglesias Lopez

Aquaculture Operational Manager


Ton Plat

Business Administration

Tom Kok

Administration shareholders

Dirk Langerveld

Strategy group leader
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