Newsletter August 2022

Continued growth of larvae up to over 90 days

At the shareholder meeting on June 22, 2022, we announced that in the first half of 2022 we made significant progress in the on-growth of eel larvae (growth to 90 days and 14 mm). You were also able to read about this in the NIVO.

It now appears that this was not an outlier, but a systematic and reproducible improvement of the culture procedure. We have also invested significantly in expanding larval culture capacity (new tanks, filters and racks), so that we can now run multiple trials simultaneously, i.e. test multiple diets in parallel. These investments are now beginning to yield results.

Since larval culture is proving to be very labor intensive, we are going to increase our staff by one person so that we can more easily run long days.

Questions were also raised at the annual meeting about the value and structure of the company when we get a view of the commercial phase. Although we are not yet ready for that, the board is reflecting on this, in consultation with the Supervisory Board.

Larva of 20 days (top) and 90 days (bottom) at the same magnification. The lower larva represents the beginning of the leptocephalus stage. The dark band on the ventral side is the intestinal tract. Faeces comes out of the anus. The animal is largely transparent.

Aug. 31, 2022